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How to develop a corporate identity?

Corporate identity  is undoubtedly  the basis of the future brand. You need to think about how to develop a corporate identity at the very start of the project. This will solve a large number of problems, both strategic in general and branding.

Let’s consider each in detail.

Strategic block

Let’s define it right away: strategy is what the corporate style is based on. This is its semantic part, which forms an idea of ​​the corporate style as a whole list of 1000 cell phone numbers and removes inappropriate elements and solutions in advance.

In essence, the semantic part is the basis of branding. It reflects the promises to the client, the corporate culture and the company standards.

In order to formulate a strategy, the company’s management needs to answer a number of the following questions:

  • Who is our target audience?
  • What promises/offers are significant for the target audience?
  • What arguments in favor of the product’s benefits will be most effective? What impression of the brand should be left in the consumer’s mind?
  • Does the company have a strong corporate mission that the team should support?
  • Are there certain quality standards that all company employees adhere to?

After answering these questions, and most importantly, recording them, you can move on to the design development block.

Designer block

list of 1000 cell phone numbers

In the design block, we already talk about how your brand will look based on the developed strategy. For the most part, this is the agency’s work, but if you have any preferences and wishes, we will be happy to listen.

Color palette

Color can say a lot about a brand and become firmly attached to a certain company. This phenomenon is related to the fact that each color has a certain set of associations. And depending on the correctly selected shade, for example 4 common reasons why advertising agencies fail – and how to fix it! red will demonstrate energy, not aggression. And with additional colors, this mood is emphasized to a greater extent. Our designers regularly work with the psychology of color, selecting a unique combination for each project.


Typography is the graphic design of texts. That is cpa email list here the unique font is developed that you will use in your materials. This does not mean that all the text on the advertising booklet will be written in some special way. No. This means that the name of your company, interlinear translations, possibly the headlines in the advertisement will use this style.


It includes typography and color palette developments. The logo is the pearl of the corporate identity. It is the one that primarily represents the company and forms the first impression. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach its development thoroughly. It should immediately convey the strategy that you chose earlier. What should the logo be like:

  • Convey the brand’s mission and promise
  • Be simple and clear
  • With a long-term perspective (to be relevant not only in the year of development, but also later)

Elements of corporate identity

The final stage in developing a corporate identity is the application of the corporate identity on specific media. The set of corporate identity elements usually includes business cards, letterheads, employee clothing, badges. Here, everything depends on the specific project, because different companies may require different elements. But the main thing here is the personification of the brand.

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