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Unstru ctured Data CanInclude:

Unstructured data . Can include: a. Emails; b. Spreadsheets (e.g.microsoft excel); c. Word documents (e.g.microsoft word). . Challenges in unstructured data handling dealing with datathe structured and the unstructured way a. . Unstructured data is not easily managed. B. Unstructured data is not easily secured. C. Unstructured . Data is not easily understood. D. Unstructured data is not easily integratedsharedor analyzed.

Sourcing Unstruc tured Data Effectively

 Sourcing unstructured data effectively bosnia and herzegovina phone number library  unstructured data is often found in the form of imagesvideo. Audioand text. It can be difficult to source this type of information because it’s . Not organized in a traditional manner. For exampleif you want to find information about . Your customers’ favorite places to eat in your city on social media platforms like facebook . Twitteror even instagramyou’ll need some time and effort before you can get started.

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Processing Unstructur edData Unstructured

Processing unstructured data unstructured data anhui mobile phone number list  sources include: a. Social media platforms such as facebook and . Twitter; b. E-mails (both internal and external); c. Text messages sent via mobile phones; d. . Documents created by employees using office software such as microsoft word or google docs; e. . Webpages indexed by search engines such as binggoogle search console etc.which include product reviews . From e-commerce sites like amazon & walmart marketplace etc.

Organizing Unstructured Information for Analysis

Organizing unstructured information phone number qatar  for analysis organizing . Unstructured information can help you better understand it. This is important becauseunlike structured data. There are no rules governing how unstructured information should be organized. Organizing data you can . Organize unstructured data in many ways: a. By a person or organization name; b. By . Date range; c. By topic (such as products sold); d. Or any other scheme that .

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